Our 10 goal plan acts as an overarching guidance document for our action plans and work planning for the years ahead. Maintaining the resources and capacity to deliver on those goals will remain a challenge, but one the Board of Directors believes we can meet by continuing to operate with full transparency and by regular sharing of our results with funding and delivery partners.
10 Goals 2016 – 2019
Goal 1
Create an active learning environment that extends the learning experience beyond the traditional school day.
The Learning Hub operates after school from Monday to Thursday. This is facilitated by our staff, volunteers and delivery partners. We aim to maintain our opening hours at 55 hours per week. Our core activities across all Hubs are delivered from 3pm to 6pm after school with later opening hours facilitating health hub and youth café activities 2 days per week during term time.
Goal 2
Creatively embed technology and the core skills of literacy and numeracy into active learning projects across all curriculum areas.
With 1. 5 FTE STEM proficient staff on site we are in a position to embed technology within all of our curriculum linked programmes. We are also very focused on continuing our commitment to linking our programmes to the primary level curriculum in particular with a keen connection to literacy and numeracy skills throughout our curriculum plans.
Goal 3
Provide a positive and safe social environment that inspires us as individuals and as a community by recognising the potential and the talents of young people and learners.
We offer a safe play and learning space off a busy road. We are also the only play area serving the neighbourhoods of Thomondgate and Kileely in particular. All learners attending the Hub for classes have access to a clean, well maintained, green space and from 2016 onwards, a fully lit and modern MUGA space for multigames use.
Goal 4
Prevent early school leaving and raise the educational aspirations of families, schools and the wider community.
Working with schools, parents and partner organisations, our staff are committed to supporting those students most at risk of early school leaving. We also are open to working with students currently not within mainstream education and can support ETB home tuition hours where required. We do this by offering one on one support where appropriate and facilities for extra support activities.
Goal 5
Work in partnership with other agencies to provide support to children identified as most in need of additional social, cultural and educational resources.
The neighbourhoods we serve are identified as highly disadvantaged in the national context. We are proud to deliver high quality learning, cultural and social experiences for local young people. We also aim to continue to provide real world social and cultural experiences by encouraging and welcoming a geographic mix of learners on site. While priority for places goes to local young people we encourage young people from “non disadvantaged” areas of Limerick to attend our facilities.
We also aim to continue to provide real world social and cultural experiences by encouraging and welcoming a geographic mix of learners on site.
Goal 6
Create an environment that promotes the positive development of physical and mental health among young people and the community.
Work in partnership with key stakeholders to maximise the resources available to the community by harnessing funding, volunteers and resources for the development of local young people.
Work in partnership with key stakeholders to maximise the resources available to the community by harnessing volunteers, resources and energy for the development our young people.
Harness the resource potential of third level volunteers to act as mentors and subject matter experts in our educational programmes.
Provide volunteers and third level mentors with real world civic engagement experience that will enhance their social, academic and professional development.
Develop and maintain quality facilities to support and facilitate the well-being and engagement of the local community.
Goal 7
Work in partnership with key stakeholders to maximise the resources available to the community by harnessing volunteers, resources and energy for the development of our young people.
Continue to develop and maintain positive and transparent relationships with all our stakeholders, funders and partners by providing regular reporting, updates and information on our achievements. Maintain funding levels so as to continue to meet stated goal and objectives and service levels.
Goal 8
Harness the resource potential of third level volunteers to act as mentors and subject matter experts in our educational programmes.
Tap into the energy, enthusiasm, skills and potential of third level students as volunteer and mentors. Liaise with all third level colleges in Limerick to ensure positive relationships and flow of interested students to support our programme of activities.
Goal 9
Provide volunteers and third level mentors with real world civic engagement experiences that will enhance their social, academic and professional development.
Work with student volunteers to ensure that their experience is valuable to them both personally, educationally and professionally. Maintain standards of open communication, guidance meetings and regular supervision to all students donating their time to our organisation. Ensure that volunteers receive recognition for their efforts and commitment within their third level institution also.
Goal 10
Develop and maintain high quality governance and operational standards that support the sustainability of Learning Hub Limerick.
Meet the standards of the governance code and to regularly reflect on our governance standards and best practice. Maintain and encourage a culture of transparency, openness and good governance within the organisation. Keep up to date with national best practice guidelines and meet the required standards as set out by ICTR and Charity Regulator.